Fallout new vegas holy frag grenade
Fallout new vegas holy frag grenade

fallout new vegas holy frag grenade

If you have the opportunity (and a high enough Sneak skill) then slip armed frag grenades into peoples pockets to obliterate even the hardest of foes with no effort. Lastly when fighting enemies with a very high DT then use Incendiary grenades to burn them to ash. Whenever robots are attacking fling around pulse grenades but be careful of hitting yourself with them if you’re wearing Power Armor. When fighting regular run of the mill enemies you can use frag grenades, plasma grenades or your explosive weapon of choice to thin them out. Get perks like Demolition Expert, Hit the Deck and Splash Damage to boost the capabilities of your weapons and move on. If you’re interested you can pick the Wild Wastelandtrait so you can get the Holy Frag Grenades to obliterate enemies in extreme situations. This will let you buff up your Explosives rapidly as well as fluffing another combat skill (like melee or unarmed) for those situations where using explosives just isn’t practical. When making an Explosives based character, Luck isn’t even all that important but it may be smart to put all your points into Intelligence.

Fallout new vegas holy frag grenade